How to Clear Data in VMware?

Are you looking to clear data in VMware to free up storage space or reset a virtual machine to its original state? Clearing data in VMware is an essential skill for anyone managing virtual machines. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to safely and effectively clear data in VMware.

How to Clear Data in VMware?

How to Clear Data in VMware

There are several ways to clear data in VMware, depending on your specific needs. Here are some of the most common methods:

1. Delete Snapshots

Snapshots are point-in-time copies of a virtual machine’s state. While they can be useful for testing and backup purposes, they can also take up significant storage space. To delete snapshots:

  1. Power off the virtual machine
  2. Right-click the virtual machine and select “Snapshot” > “Snapshot Manager”
  3. Select the snapshot you want to delete
  4. Click “Delete”
  5. Confirm the deletion

Note that deleting a snapshot is permanent and cannot be undone.

2. Remove Virtual Disks

Virtual disks are the files that make up a virtual machine’s hard drive. If you no longer need certain virtual disks, you can remove them to free up space:

  1. Power off the virtual machine
  2. Right-click the virtual machine and select “Edit Settings”
  3. Select the virtual disk you want to remove
  4. Click “Remove”
  5. Choose whether to remove the disk from the datastore or keep the files
  6. Click “OK” to confirm

Be sure you no longer need the virtual disk before removing it.

3. Delete Virtual Machines

If you have virtual machines that are no longer needed, deleting them entirely is the most effective way to clear data:

  1. Power off the virtual machine
  2. Right-click the virtual machine and select “Delete from Disk”
  3. Confirm the deletion

Deleting a virtual machine permanently removes all its associated files from the host.

4. Clear Unused Space

Even after deleting files within a virtual machine, the space may not be immediately freed up on the host. To reclaim this unused space:

  1. Power on the virtual machine
  2. Open the Disk Cleanup utility within the guest OS
  3. Select the files to remove (e.g. temporary files, old Windows installations)
  4. Click “OK” to clear the selected files
  5. Use the VMware Tools “Shrink” command to compact the virtual disk

This frees up space on the virtual disk that can then be reclaimed by the host.

Key Takeaways

  • Delete snapshots to remove point-in-time copies of virtual machines
  • Remove unneeded virtual disks to clear storage space
  • Delete unused virtual machines entirely to free up the most space
  • Clear unused space within powered-on VMs and shrink virtual disks to optimize storage


Clearing data in VMware is a straightforward process once you know the right steps. By deleting snapshots, removing virtual disks, deleting unused VMs, and clearing unused space, you can effectively manage your VMware storage and keep your environment running optimally. Always carefully consider whether files are still needed before deleting them permanently.


  1. What is the difference between removing and deleting a virtual disk in VMware?
    Removing a virtual disk detaches it from the virtual machine but keeps the disk files on the datastore. Deleting a virtual disk permanently erases the disk files from the datastore.

  2. Can I delete a snapshot while the virtual machine is powered on?
    No, the virtual machine must be powered off to delete a snapshot.

  3. How can I see how much storage space my snapshots are using?
    In the Snapshot Manager, the “You are here” text will show the total size of all snapshots for that virtual machine.

  4. What happens to the current state of the virtual machine when I delete a snapshot? Deleting a snapshot does not affect the current state of the virtual machine. It only removes the ability to revert back to that specific point in time.

  5. Can I delete multiple snapshots at once?
    Yes, you can select multiple snapshots in the Snapshot Manager and delete them together.

  6. Is it possible to recover a deleted virtual machine? If the virtual machine files are still on the datastore, it may be possible to re-register the VM. However, if the files have been permanently deleted, recovery is not possible.

  7. How do I reclaim unused space on a virtual disk?
    To reclaim unused space, power on the VM, clear unnecessary files within the guest OS, and use the VMware Tools “Shrink” command to compact the virtual disk.

  8. What files can I safely delete within a guest OS to free up space?
    Temporary files, old Windows installations, and other unnecessary files can generally be safely deleted. However, be cautious not to delete any system or application files.

  9. How often should I clear unused space on virtual disks?
    It’s a good practice to clear unused space periodically, such as every few months or when disk space starts to run low.

  10. Are there any risks to deleting snapshots? Deleting a snapshot is permanent and cannot be undone. Be sure you no longer need the snapshot before deleting it.

  11. What’s the best way to clear the most data in VMware? Deleting unused virtual machines entirely will free up the most storage space.

  12. Can I automate the process of clearing data in VMware?
    Yes, you can use scripts or tools to automate snapshot deletions, virtual disk removal, and other data clearing tasks.

  13. Where can I find the Snapshot Manager in VMware?
    Right-click the virtual machine and select “Snapshot” > “Snapshot Manager” to access the Snapshot Manager.

  14. How do I remove a virtual disk from a powered-on VM?
    Virtual disks can only be removed while the VM is powered off.

  15. What happens if I remove a virtual disk that is still in use?
    Removing a virtual disk that is in use can cause data loss or corruption. Always make sure the disk is no longer needed before removing it.

  16. How can I check how much free space is available on my datastores?
    In the vSphere Client, navigate to the datastores view to see available space for each datastore.

  17. Can I delete a virtual machine’s configuration file without deleting its virtual disks?
    Yes, you can delete the VM’s configuration file (.vmx) without deleting its virtual disks (.vmdk files).

  18. How do I delete a virtual machine and all its associated files?
    Right-click the virtual machine and select “Delete from Disk” to remove the VM and all its files.

  19. Is it better to remove individual virtual disks or delete the whole VM?
    If you no longer need the VM at all, deleting the whole VM is simpler. If you only want to free up space from certain disks, removing individual disks may be preferable.

  20. Where can I get more help with managing storage in VMware?
    VMware provides extensive documentation, knowledge base articles, and community forums where you can find additional help and guidance on managing storage.

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